
Fortress of the Muslim (Pocketsize SB Fine Paper) Fashion

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Buy Your Fortress of the Muslim (Pocketsize SB Fine Paper) Fashion

Brief Synopsis: 

This book has very useful and authentic invocations for daily life selected from the Quran and Sunnah. It is a concise translation of Hisnul-Muslim. This portable book has:

  • Words of remembrance with texts to be used as invocations.
  • The invocations are supported by one or two references from the original book entitled Adh-Dhikr wad-Dua wal-Ilaj bir-Ruqyah mina-Kitab was-Sunnah by the same author.
  • The supplications are for special occasions as well as routine life, various duas for waking up, entering and leaving a room, undressing, entering restroom, performing ablution, entering and leaving the mosque, and during Salat.
  • It presents literature on the virtue of remembering Allah and how much Muslims can benefit from it.
  • It provides guidelines for repentance, reveals the Prophet’s ways of glorifying Allah and presents different types of good deeds useful for the wellbeing of a community.

This collection of invocations is a step towards remembering Allah at all times through Dhikr and remembrance. Small size of the book makes it all the more useful as it could be carried along anywhere at any time.


Invocations from the Quran & Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim. (aka ‘Citadel of the Believer’)

This is a very beautiful booklet consists of many authentic Dua’s (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions.

Note: All 4 sizes have same content with different text size / format.
056a) Large size Paperback
056b) Pocket size Paperback with regular paper (0.4″ thickness).
056c) Pocket size Softcover with fine paper (0.25″ thickness).
056d) Pocket size Semi-hardcover with cream color fine paper (0.4″ thickness).

Author’s Note

This book is an abridgment of my earlier work entitled, Adh-Dhikr wad-Du’a wal-‘llaj bir-Ruqyah mina’-Kitab was-Sunnah. In order to make it small and easily portable, I have chosen only the section on words of remembrance for this abridgment. To achieve this, I only mentioned the text of the words of remembrance instead of the entire Hadith. I also limited myself to mentioning only one or two references from the original book for each Hadith. Whoever would like to know about the Companion who related a particular Hadith, or more information about where it is recorded, should refer to the original work (mentioned above). I ask Allah the Glorious, the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and by His sublime Attributes to accept this as having been done sincerely for His sake alone. I ask Him to bring me its benefits during my lifetime and after my death. May those who read it, those who print it, or have had any role in distributing it, benefit from it also. Surely He, glory be unto Him, is Capable of all things. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions and whoever follows them in piety until the Day of Judgment.

Said bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani, Safar,1409

Table of Contents:


2.Virtue of remembering Allah

3.Supplications when you wake up

4.Dua when getting dressed up

5.Dua when putting on new clothes

6.Invocations for someone who has put on new clothes

7.What to say when undressing

8.Invocation entering restroom

9.Invocation for leaving restroom

10.What to say before performing ablution

11.What to say upon completing the ablutions

12.What to say when you leave the house

13.What to say when you enter in the house.

14.Dua for going to the mosque

15.Dua for entering the mosque

16.Dua for leaving the mosque

17.What to say hearing call to prayer

18.Duas for beginning of the prayer

19.Duas during Ruku (Bowing in prayer)

20.Duas for rising from Ruku

21.Invocations during sujud (prostration)

22.Invocations for sitting between two prostrations

23.What to say in obligatory prostrations when reciting the Qura’an

24.Invocations for sitting in prayer ——- At-tashahhud 

25.How to recite blessings on prophet after Tashahhud

26.Invocations after final tashahhud and before ending the prayer

27.What to say after completing the prayer

28.Istikhara (seeking Allah’s counsel)

29.Words of remembrence for Morning and Evening

30.What to say before sleeping

31.Invocations to say if you stir in the night

32.What to say if you are afraid to go to sleep

33.What to do if you have a dream

34.Invocations for Qunut in the Witr prayer

35.What to say immediately following the witr prayer

36.Duas in times of worry and grief

37.Duas for anguish

38.Duas for when you meet an adversary or a powerful ruler

39.Duas against the oppression of the rulers

40.Dua against an enemy

41.What to say if you fear people may harm you

42.Duas for if you are stricken by doubt

43.Duas for setting of a debt

44.Dua against the distractions of Satan during prayer and recitation of Qura’an

45.Dua when you find something becoming difficult for you

46.What to say and do if you commit a sin

47.Invocations against devil and his promptings

48.Duas for when something you dislike happens,or for when you fail to achieve what you attempt to do

49.Congratulations for new parents and how they should respond

50.How to seek Allah’s protection for children

51.Duas for visiting the sick

52.The reward for visiting the sick

53.Duas of terminally ill

54.What to encourage the dying person to say

55.Dua for when tragedy strikes

56.Invocation for closing eyes of the dead

57.Dua for dead in the funeral prayer

58.Invocations for a child in funeral prayer

59.Dua for the bereaved

60.Invocations to be recited when placing the dead in his grave

61.Invocation to be recited after burying the dead

62Dua for visiting graves

63.Invocation for when wind blows.

64.Dua for when it thunders

65.Some Duas for rain

66.Dua for when it rains

67Supplication after it rains

68.Invocation for withholding of the rain

69.Invocation for sighting the new moon.

70.Duas for breaking a fast

71.Duas before eating

72.Dua after eating

73. A dinner guest’s invocation for his host

74.Invocation for someone who gives you drinks

75.Invocation for a family who invites you to break a fast with them

76.Invocation for someone who offers you food when you are fasting which you decline

77.What to say when you are fasting and someone is rude to you

78.Invocation for when you see the first dates of the season

79.Invocation for sneezing

80.What to say to the disbeliever if he sneezes and praises Allah

81.Invocation for the groom

82.The groom’s invocation

83.Invocation to be recited before intercourse

84.Invocation for anger

85.What to say if you see someone afflicted by misfortune

86.What to say while sitting in an assembly

87.The Expiation of assembly——Kaffarat-ul-Majlis

88.Invocation for someone who says:”May Allah forgive you”

89.Invocation for someone who does good to you

90.Invocation for Allah’s protection from false Messiah

91.Invocation for someone who says to you:”I love you for the sake of Allah.”

92.Invocation for someone who offers you a share of his wealth

93.Invocation for someone who lends you money upon the receipt of the loan

94.Invocation for the fear of Shirk

95.Invocation for someone who tells you:”May Allah bless you”

96.Invocation against evil portent

97.Invocation for riding in a vehicle or on an animal

98.Invocation for travelling

99.Invocation for entering a town or a city

100.Invocation for entering a market

101.Invocation for when your vehicle or mount begins to fail

102 The traveler’s invocation for the one he leaves behind

103.The residents invocations for the traveler

104.Glorifying and magnifying Allah on journey

105.The traveler’s invocation at dawn

106.Invocation for the layover on the journey

107.What to say upon returning from the journey

108.What to say if something happens to please you or displease you

109.The excellence of asking Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet 

110.Spreading the greetings of Salam

111.How to reply to a disbeliever if he says Salam to you

112.Invocations upon hearing a cock’s crow and the bray of a donkey

113.Invocation upon hearing a dog barking in the night

114.Invocation for someone you have spoken ill to

115.How a Muslim should praise another Muslim

116.What a Muslim should say when he is praised

117.The pilgrim”s announcement of his arrival for Hajj or Umrah

118.Saying Allah-u-Akbar when passing the black stone

119.Invocation to be recited between the Yemeni corner and Black stone

120.Invocation to be recited while standing at Safa and Marwah

121.Invocation to be recited on the day of Arafat

122.Supplication to be recited at Muzdalifah

123.Saying Allah-u-Akbar while stoning the three pillars at Mina

124.What to say when surprised or startled

125.What to say when something that pleases you happens

126.What to say when you feel a pain in your body

127.What to say when you fear you may.

128.What to say when you feel frightened

129.What to say when slaughtering or sacrificing an animal

130.What to say to foil the devil’s plots

131.Repentance and seeking forgiveness

132.The excellence of saying:Suhan Alla Hi Wa Bihamdulillah Hi Wa La Ilaaha I’llallah, Wallah u Akbar

133.How the Prophet(P.B.U.H.) glorified Allah

134.Types of goodness and for community life


Other Sources: 

Quran verses on asking help from other than Allah
Quran verses on the criteria for the righteous and pious
size chest(in.) waist(in.) hips(in.)
XS 34-36 27-29 34.5-36.5
S 36-38 29-31 36.5-38.5
M 38-40 31-33 38.5-40.5
L 40-42 33-36 40.5-43.5
XL 42-45 36-40 43.5-47.5
XXL 45-48 40-44 47.5-51.5